Indep-it is a digital platform which aims to promote the work of freelancers who specialise in the area of Information Technology.
The world is experiencing a continuous digital transformation. The Indep-it community supports companies along this process.
Furthermore, the professionals involved in this transformation are seeking independence and desire more freedom in selecting their ventures and undertakings.
Being part of the Indep-it community ensures the seamless creation of an efficient network between IT freelancers and companies.
Indep-it opens the door to professional success!!!!
Create your account allows you to establish contacts
A precise completion of your profile or your offer increases your chances for finding the desired mission ou freelance
Send and receive invitations allows you to obtain the necessary information to establish your contacts
Indep-it is a digital platform to connect IT professionals with companies interested in their skills.
Indep-it is available for all the IT Independent profiles and for all the companies looking for qualified IT profiles.
Registration process, profile creation and management, offer creation and management, profile search and consultation, offer search and consultation and invitations and contact details management.
Established relationship (accepted by the 2 parties), direct payment to get contact details and profile or offer promotion.
Create a profile is a prerequisite to make good use of the platform, to find the best profiles and offers. The quality and accuracy of the information you enter in your profile and/or in your offer description increase the chance to reach the best match.
Profile and offer details are available at any time, except for contact details which are visible once the relationship is established (accepted by the 2 parties).
Before sending an invitation or before processing a direct purchase of contact details.
For direct purchase of contact details or accepted invitation, the debit is immediate. In case of a sent invitation, the debit is effective when the counterpart accepts your invitation.
You can pay : - with your electronic wallet that you will previously have loaded (no fees are applied); invitations sent are valid during 20 days; - with your credit card via Klik&Pay, our secured payment partner (transaction fees are applied); invitations sent are valid during 6 days.
Bonus are amounts of Indepcoins offered and useable for every payment made within the platform; bonuses are not transferable and non-refundable.
The paid (bonus excluded) and available (non-committed in a transaction) part is transferable and refundable.
Activation emails are sometimes considered as Spam. If you still don't find it, please let us know by clicking on "About us", "Contact us".
In the sign-in page, thanks to press "Forgot password".
You can change your Password in the Parameters page.
The email address is the single identifier across Indep-it, it is therefore not possible to change it. You have to close your account and create one with your new email address.
In order to anonymise the CVs, the Platform needs to get an editable format.
Click on "Edit profile", delete the existing CV and then upload the new one; you can have up to 3 CVs.
Click on "Settings" and then on "Close Account".
The category (Independent or Company) is a key factor in the data management within the platform, it is therefore not possible to change it. You have to close your account and create one with your right category.
To add a skill, click on "Edit Profile" and write it in the "Other skills" input area; please separate with a semicolon if you enter several skills.
Personal data processing is detailed in our Terms and Conditions available on the Platform; in particular, you can read "Personal data are registered in a computerised file managed by company. The data are only used in direct link to the Platform's effective operations.